Tuesday, February 12, 2008

So long port!

Now you see it....
(no..my hair is not greasy dirty...just balding...lovely!)
Now you don't...

My port was removed a couple of weeks ago!!! I was very excited to see it go as it caused me lots of distress related to nausea and vomiting. With this being said... it was a must have for me to get chemo, as it made my treatment much easier. It saved my veins and me the trouble of being poked every five minutes for labs to be drawn or IVs to be started. So, overall, it was very helpful....as hard as that is for me to admit!

Oh...and you might notice that I now have 2 scars from this darn thing. When they took it out, they made a new incision!! This ticked me off a bit! Prior to the procedure (which entailed lidocaine injections, and ativan to chill my nerves a little) I asked the nurse if they could use the same incision, so I would only have one scar. She said that this is what usually happened. Then the doc came in and removed it. As he was finishing, the nurse told me that he made a new incision to get it out easier. I was a little annoyed because I wish the doc would have asked me or even told me what he was doing with an explanation...I would have been okay with the 2 incisions if this were the case. Rather, there was no consideration for me, or a thought that I'm young and sometimes wear shirts or bathing suits that show that part of my body...so it might matter to me that there is an extra scar. Its the first time during this whole experience where I was made to feel like I was just a 'number' as opposed to a whole person. Granted...I realize its not that big of a deal, and I'm not loosing any sleep over it....its just an observation on my part. One of my friends recommended that I get a tatoo to compliment it, as it looks like an equal sign on my chest....so I'm open for any creative ideas! :)

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