Monday, March 3, 2008

more pics

So Tough!
Preparing to talk...

My gals...

My Nurses! They're fun!

Sue...the dancing queen!
The dance floor!

If anyone else has any I'd love to see (and share) them!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Huge Success!!

I hope that everyone had as much fun as I had last night!

The party was a great success! It was really wonderful to see so many people from so many different aspects of my life come together to show their support...and their dancing skills! It meant the world to me...and was definitely a night that I will remember forever! Thank you!

We're still finishing tallying our final total. However, here's what we have so far...

$760 in t-shirt sales for SD Ireland Cancer Research!

Approximately $1800 from the silent auction for CPSP!

Approximately $1500 through direct donations to CPSP!

*If you would still like to make a donation, checks can be made payable to: Cancer Patient Support Program and sent directly to me in the mail over the next week. the fun part! Here are some preliminary pictures! There will be more to come...and a link to the Burlington Free Press when those pictures are posted... so continue to be on the lookout!

My Parents......

Tim and his girlfriend Nicole working hard! They were a huge part of what made the evening such a they were the worker bees, collecting money and selling shirts! Thanks guys!

My UNH buddies!!

Another huge fear conquered! Public Speaking...ugh!

Mom on the dance floor....

Tim and I...

Melissa's floating head...
This picture speaks for itself...
Dancing machines... great air guitar...though don't think it impressed Pete or Jimmy!

Again....THANK YOU for a wonderful night!