Hi all! This scene from Shelbure Farms made me laugh the other day. Some days this describes my job as a nurse... or the life of a person with bowel issues.....
sick humor...
The colon cancer 5k was great last weekend. We had perfect weather and they had a pretty good turnout for the 1st year. I've decided that next year, I need to be a bit more organized in advance and start a team. They had awards for the largest team/best team outfit, etc.... Definitely awards that we can win next year! Plus....I love a good cause...
Here's a picture of my team of supporters! Thanks guys...I was very happy that you were there!
I finally took a picture of my hair growing back! The chemotherapy for colon cancer only makes your hair thin out! This is mostly a great thing...and I was very happy for it...as people who didn't know me , didn't know I had cancer....they just thought I had terribly thin hair! However, there were times where it almost would have been easier to have the bald cancer head...then I wouldn't have had to explain myself and my lack of energy and overwhelming fatigue. Some people seemed to assume that since I didn't loose my hair, the chemo was easier or not as harsh. This was not true! Many of the patients that we get on my floor are there for side effects from these particular chemos...and.... all chemo sucks....period! :)
Here is my new underlayer of bangs.... Now...if it would just grow back thicker...that would be great! (not really happening...)
And finally...there was a write up about my 'Good Riddance' party in the CPSP newsletter....
Here's the link if you have any interest...
Thats all for now! Time to get ready for work...
Hope everyone is well and enjoying the last days of summer (now that there's finally some sun!)
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