Happy New Year!!! Yahoo!!!
As you may have read yesterday....I received the best New Year's news. I'm done with treatments!!! Yesterday, I went into the clinic as usual, and when talking to my PA, let her know that my neuropathies had been constant since the last treatment. (meaning, I really haven't been able to feel the bottom of my feet, and frequently my fingertips are on pins and needles). Because of this we had agreed on a dose reduction of my chemo drugs of about 20%. She said she would run it by the doc to see what he had to say. When I got back to my chair, the doc came and questioned me about these neuropathies. He then gave me three options 1. full dose next week (which wasn't an option for me, as I wanted to be done in 2007!) 2. dose reduction 3. skip final treatment. I was very excited about this third option, however apprehensive. I was definitely not prepared to be done, rather I wanted to finish what I started. So I chose dose reduction. The doc said okay, then looked at my labs. My platelets were much lower than they had been (76...usually hover around 100) and my hgb was 9 (aka...anemic!). He said with my counts this low, he would opt for skipping the last treatment. He said if I had it, he would have to dose reduce by about 50% (which was enough reduction that it wouldn't really be helpful), and it would be likely that I would have to get a blood or platelet transfusion next week. I was still uneasy about quitting (cause I felt like I was 'quitting')...but he reassured me by saying that I've already received more chemo than most people in the same condition, as I had received 11 full treatments. He said that most people don't make it to 12 and that more often than not, people receive dose reductions along the way. He also made the point that I don't want these neuropathies to be permanent, and by giving more chemo, it would only increase this chance. So...the decision was made....and I was done.
I cried when my port was being de-accessed, as I was so happy that I wouldn't ever have to use it again (comes out Jan 24!), I cried saying goodbye to everyone, I also cried through breakfast with my mom, as I was able to just sit there and really enjoy the song playing on the radio. Not only that...I now have all this free time in the next week, where I won't be in bed, but rather enjoying myself and getting healthy again! So...here are some celebratory pictures!
I had lunch with some friends yesterday....
I was able to go to a New Years Party! Here's my friend Julie who has been such a support in the past months!
I got to enjoy some ugly holiday sweaters...you choose the best (or worst)
But...when it came down to it....I'm old and busted....this is how I rang in the new year...asleep!
However, I started the New Year off with a long walk around the resevoir...as I'm determined to be healthy, get back in shape, and enjoy myself!
So, again, Happy 2008....I hope the year brings you HEALTH and HAPPINESS!!!
ps...don't stop reading....as I'll have more to post during my 'recovery' period, including at date for my Good Riddance Par-tay!